About Rubie · Open Positions · Values · Questions

About Rubie

Rubie help companies with complex software configure and launch with their customers faster. Have you ever been involved in buying and implementing a new ERP, CRM or other mission-critical piece of software? If not - count yourself lucky. Those who have done this work know how difficult, time consuming, and anger-inducing it can be.

We partner with companies that make and sell this complex software to unblock their customer success teams from hundreds of hours of manual work pointing and clicking and dragging and dropping.

At our core, we are accomplishing this by building agentic infrastructure to solve very thorny automation and migration challenges. Our vision is to build technology that can convert any UI into a set of APIs with AI, and then to use those APIs to exfiltrate data, configure platform settings, and perform any other setup tasks.

It’s a special time at Rubie and a great moment to join the team - we are small, very well capitalized, and building super cool technology.

Open Positions

Rubie Founding Engineer


💼 Customer obsession

We learn, listen, and work backwards from the customer.

Every Second Counts

We believe moving quickly compounds. Today, not tomorrow.

🎯 Sometimes Perfect, Always Complete